Child Development Center | Columbus, OH| EPDM Roof Installation

Barnesville Hutton Roof Replacement
Barnesville Hutton Memorial Library
- Barnesville, OH -
IAP managed the removal, replacement, and retrofitting of the sections of the existing roof and installment of metal panels to cover existing brick that sits above the roof-line. All aluminum windows on the roof were waterproofed and replaced.

Cheshire DODD Roof Replacement
Gallia County Board of DD
- Cheshire, OH -
IAP managed the removal and replacement of existing EPDM roofing systems. In addition to the roof, an interior renovation of bathrooms, lighting, plumbing, safety features, HVAC, doors, and windows was coordinated by IAP.

Child Development Center Roof Replacement
Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
- Columbus, OH -
IAP managed the removal and replacement of existing roofs on three buildings with ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) materials.

Conneaut Dome Roof
Ohio Department of Transportation
- Conneaut, OH -
IAP coordinated the overlaying of the existing salt dome with a new tan Duro-Last PVC Roof System to eliminate future shingle damage and leaks. Existing vents and gutters were also removed and replaced.

Sugar Shack
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
- Lucas, OH -
IAP managed the replacement of existing wood shingle roofing with a metal roof to match adjacent buildings. We coordinated the replacement of gutters and downspouts with similar material. All demolished material was disposed of off-site.

Jones & Snyder Roofs
Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
- Mount Vernon, OH -
IAP managed the removal and replacement of the existing roof shingles and associated materials down to the roof desk on the Jones and Snyder buildings. We also managed the replacement of any damaged decking at the sites.

Twinsburg Durolast Dome
Ohio Department of Transportation
- Twinsburg, OH -
IAP coordinated the installation of a new roof system over two existing domes and one outpost building. On the two domes, we saw that the roof was properly overlaid with a new tan Duro-Last PVC Roof System to eliminate future shingle damage and leaks. The out-post building was re-roofed with a new Duro-Tuff 50 mil system.